School Counseling Services

School Counseling Services are available in all Wicomico County Schools. Certified School Counselors are assigned to each school and some schools also have a Student Advisor to assist groups of students with issues that may be affecting their ability to attend to instruction.

School Counseling Vision Statement
The School Counselors of Wicomico County Public Schools advocate for all students by providing a comprehensive developmental guidance program that nurtures the students’ social, emotional, academic, personal and college and career readiness skills to equip the students to be self-actualized and therefore become productive citizens.

Student Advisor Vision Statement
The Student Advisors facilitate Pre-K thru 12 student success by implementing and advocating critical and essential supports and interventions for students and their families in order to maintain a safe, positive, and productive learning environment in the areas of academics, attendance, and behavior.

Supervisor of Counseling
Amy Rhodes 
410-677-4538 office
410-677-4445 fax 

Administrative Assistant
Deanna Robertson
410-677-4538 office
410-677-4445 fax